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WeNMR is a worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR and structural biology

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WeNMR suite for Structural Biology

Table of contents

WeNMR is now part of the thematic services implemented in the EOSC-Hub project.

EOSC-hub WeNMR thematic services

The WeNMR thematic services operated under EOSC-Hub consist of eight individual platforms:

  • AMPS-NMR, a web portal for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) structures
  • DISVIS, to visualise and quantify the accessible interaction space in macromolecular complexes
  • FANTEN, for multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences
  • HADDOCK2.4, to model complexes of proteins and other biomolecules
  • METALPDB, a database collecting information on the metal-binding sites in the structures of biological macromolecules
  • PDB-Tools Web, user-friendly web interface for formatting PDB structures
  • POWERFIT, for rigid body fitting of atomic structures into cryo-EM density maps
  • proABC-2, to predict which antibody residues can form intermolecular contacts with its antigen
  • PRODIGY, to predict the binding affinity of protein-protein complexes from their three-dimensional structures
  • SPOTON, to predict Hot-Spots at protein-protein interfaces
  • FANDAS, a tool to predict peaks for multidimensional NMR experiments on proteins
  • MAXOCC, a method for making rigorous numerical assessments about the maximum percent of time that a conformer of a flexible macromolecule can exist and still be compatible with the experimental data
  • SEDNMR, web tool for simple calculation of the relevant parameters for the success of the sedimentation NMR experiments, either in a rotor or with ultracentrifugal devices

How to access the services

The WeNMR platforms are freely available online and can be accessed by researchers upon registration. Visit the services pages to find information about registration.

Service providers

The WeNMR tools are provided by the University of Utrecht, the University of Florence / Interuniversity consortium CIRMMP and the INFN Padova.

The tools are powered by High-Throughput Compute capabilities provided by the EGI Federation and enhanced with software components developed by the INDIGO DataCloud project.

The services are operating in the context of the EOSC-hub project (finished) and the EGI-ACE project, and are registered in the marketplace of the EOSC portal.